Saturday, November 22, 2008


Moe & Phil - 2 months
Originally uploaded by mellopuffy
Here's Moe and Phil - look at Moe holding his head up! And Daddy does look pleased... and yesterday whilst having a wriggle on his tummy, Moe managed to roll himself over onto his back :). We also had a sleep through on Thursday night from around 10pm to 5am! It was bliss other than I woke at 4am, looked at the time, then couldn't get back to sleep until he woke at 5. Oh well, it was nice to have around 5 hours uninterrupted sleep anyway.

Moes Feet - 2 months
Originally uploaded by mellopuffy
He has such lovely feet! Awwwwwwww....

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Moe's first 7 weeks...

At the behest of a few friends, here's some photo goodness for all you bloggy stalkers out there... thanks for the messages, I've been meaning to post about my experience - maybe in the next few days lol!

I had some breathing difficulties when I first came out, so this machine helped me breathe for a day in NICU

Daddy and me
Originally uploaded by mellopuffy

My first bath
Originally uploaded by mellopuffy

My car seat test, NICU
Originally uploaded by mellopuffy

Aunty B and me
Originally uploaded by mellopuffy

ooooo sunshine, again
Originally uploaded by mellopuffy

Grandad and me
Originally uploaded by mellopuffy

Grandma and me
Originally uploaded by mellopuffy

Hmmm sunshine
Originally uploaded by mellopuffy
Hmmm sunshine

What you lookin' at?
Originally uploaded by mellopuffy
What you lookin' at?