Friday, September 18, 2009

Wow! has it been a year already?

No, not quite a year since I last posted, but instead it's been almost a year since I stood up in the science library, felt a wee 'pop' and all hell broke loose. What a steep learning curve - after that first unreal month spent in the hospital, to coming home to that 'oh-my-god-whatinthehelldoIdonow?' feeling. Well what have I done in the intervening year?

- given birth (well DUH!) and become a mum as a result - not perhaps the experience that I hoped it would but, but as awesome as it could be in the circumstances

- been introduced to REAL sleep deprivation (there's a reason it's used as a torture technique, that's for sure)

- successfully breastfed, thanks to the wonderful support of the NICU nurses and lactation consultants at Dunedin Hospital

- became way more intimate than I ever thought possible with poo, wee and other bodily excretions

- watched a tiny (they really are! gosh I was visiting my cousin with her 1-2 month old who was twice the size of Moe at birth and all I could think was, 'OMG he's so little!'), inert bundle develop into my current crawling dynamo cool dude of a son

- managed to use cloth nappies most of the time

- gone back to university and managed to maintain reasonably good grades

- gone back to work (part time student job, good money, hours that suit, choice!)

- sold my old house, bought a new one, moved

- watched my husband step up and excel as a daddy (thanks babe!)

- got my cooking mojo back (yay!)

- had a few glasses of wine here and there

- made some awesome new buddies in the outside and online world (you know you are guys, thanks!)

- produced a son that has the same impeccable sense of timing as his mum (chicken pox for your first birthday, anyone?)

- became, I think, a much more chilled out and accepting person than I was before I became a mummy, wow what a learning experience this is turning out to be.

Whew! That's all I can think of right now...okay what shall it be for the next year then.... any ideas?


sas said...

jesus even with the glassy eyed 'what THE HELL are theses spots man' stare, moe's adorable.

yup. next year. I'm doing it.

Mel Archer said...

'doing it'? is this a declaration of what I think it is?

Ange said...

I think there should be prizes and cakes for the parents when the kid gets to 1 year - well done, chaps!!