Saturday, August 02, 2008

Hmmm I wonder which side bubs is sitting on...?

Movement is definitely being felt now - in fact at times it is positively uncomfortable (belly button area being esp sensitive). There is something strange about looking down and seeing half your belly sticking out further than the other side. There is still another week until we see the midwife again, so I'm counting down to be able to find what position the baby is in etc. That will be our 28 week visit, so from then on we will be seeing her every fortnight - only 12 weeks to go! I managed a good walk down to St Clair and (most of the way) back with Amy this afternoon - for some reason I'm feeling a bit more energetic than I was a few weeks ago. I have been going to preggie yoga which is really helping the sore muscles and ligaments - they just don't seem to stick around annoying me as much now.

In literature news, I have made the resolution to resolutely ignore the statement repeated in many of the baby rearing books I have been perusing of late, that it is IMPERATIVE that I follow this or that advice that they are touting. Other than it being imperative to feed, cloth, change your baby (as well as avoiding dropping it on its head of course), I don't see how any other advice can be 'imperative' - I mean all babies are different, ay? What is good advice to dealing with one baby may not work with I've decided that I must view this phrase with suspicion. There just seems to be so much critical writing out there that bombards pregnant women from every direction, I'm almost at a point where I want to shut everything away, in order to avoid imploding from the anticipation of my own inadequacy!

Right - rant over, glad I got that out.... move on....


Simonne said...

Mine is the exact same shape at the moment! Apparently there's something particularly cool about the left side of my uterus because No.9 spends a LOT of time there. One day I have a normal bump, the next, lopsided alien bump. Bless.

Mel Archer said...

Left side is all good as far as I can tell (cross fingers for left anterior presentation). Have you been having much movement yet? (nice belly btw :)) It's even more alien like when you see the left side move out into bump, then back down again...

Simonne said...

A little bit, infrequently. Enough to make me feel both secure (that I have movement) and insecure (when I haven't felt anything for a day or two) at the same time. Excellent! I had a funny one the other day - I had brekky in bed and my tummy was gurgling away processing ... and after each big gurgle, No.9 would poke where I'd been gurgling :-) :-) It's little way of saying ... Would you be QUIET? I'm sleeping in here!

Simonne said...

Also, crossing fingers for a what now? (Can you tell I haven't picked up any pregnancy books...? I have been decidedly un-swatty. I imagine reality will set in somewhere around birth. I hope)

Mel Archer said...

Heh - that was what my bubba did initially too - when ever I had eaten I would get some good pokes/kicks/bubbles just to the left of my belly button lol!
Yeah pregnancy books tend to make you freak out anyway because they cover every possible eventuality - though I would recommend Kaz Cooke's "Up the Duff" - not completely up to date (and Australian so some things are different here) but fun and not too serious about things. You'll learn about presentations (how baby is lying in your uterus) and things at ante-natal classes anyway :)